Recipe for 'Sachertorte' by 'Loftus'
Cooking time 50-60 minutes. Temperture 180c/350 Gas mark 4.
140g[50z] Butter, softened
140g[50z] in Chocolate
140g [50z] Castor Sugar
6 eggs separated
100g[40z] Plain Flour, sifted
6x15ml sp [6tbsp] Apricot Jam, sieved.
175g [6oz] of plain Chocolate
25g [1oz] Butter
3x15mlsp [3tbsp] Milk.
1. Grease and line the base of a [9 inch cake tin
2 Cream butter and gradually beat in the cooled melted chocolate a little at a time.
3 Add the sugar and egg yolks in small amounts, beating well with each addition.
4 Whisk the egg whites until they are frothy but not dry.
5 Alternately, gently fold in the flour and egg whites into the mixture.
6 Spoon the mixture into prepared tin. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 50-60- min, until the cake has risen well and has shrunk slightly from the sides of the tin. Cool in the oven with the door open for 15 minutes.
7 Remove from oven and allow cake to stand for a further 5 min: before turning onto a wire cooling tray.
8 When cold, slice the cake in half and spread with apricot jam. Sandwich together and spread the rest of the jam over the top and sides of cake.
9 Melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water. Stir in the butter and then beat in the milk.
10. Reserving 2x15mlsp [2tbsp] of icing to use for lettering, pour the remaining icing immediately over the cake to give a thin coating. Smooth with a palette knife. With the reserved icing, pipe. Leave to set for 1-2 hours.
Serves 10. Enjoy