Ireland Calls - Members
At its peak the 'Ireland Calls' social networking website had more than 30,000 members, many of whom were there from the start of this popular site.
The vast majority of members had Irish roots, origins or connections of some kind. Some had been born in Ireland and were scattered in many corners of the world and for that reason saw 'Ireland Calls' as a concrete link with their childhood or youth. Others, dotted across the globe, were of Irish parentage or ancestry and had an inbuilt love and respect for Ireland and its customs and heritage. Each and every one were drawn by the 'Ireland Calls' ethos and became members in order to forge stronger links with like-minded people who shared a common love for the 'Emerald Isle'.
'Ireland Calls' grew and developed over the years into a tight-knit and loyal community where lasting friendships were formed. The message boards of 'Ireland Calls' were a great platform for discussions on almost every topic under the sun! Here the members exchanged and shared a wide variety of themes ranging from photos to recipes, from gardening tips to travel blogs, from poetry to genealogy, from hobbies to history, music, politics and beyond.
Many life-long friendships were formed in 'Ireland Calls', quite a few romances blossomed and a percentage of these romances resulted in unique 'Ireland Calls' weddings!
The closure of the 'Ireland Calls' social networking site was lamented by everyone and devoted members expressed deep regret at the end of what had become like an extended 'family' to them. Below is a brief extract of some of the closing sentiments of 'Ireland Calls' members:
- This is such a sad weekend ..... I loved your site so much
- Thank you for your precious time .... but the ship is going to rest and a beautiful ship it truly was
- Your site has made a definite impact on my life. You are going to be missed from our lives more than you could ever imagine. I wish you health, luck and prosperity in your coming years. Your work has been a treasure to me
- To each and every one of you - I thank you, we might never have spoken but you have touched my life and I thank you one and all from the bottom of my heart
- It's been quite a ride, now sadly coming to an end. The friends we've loved and those we've lost will never be forgotten. I hold you all in my heart for always. I pray we'll stay in touch ... and that one day we'll organize another chat-meet to be held in Ireland