IC Books Discussion Board
This was a discussion board that members of Ireland Calls used to discuss books they had read or enjoyed.
Book topics were wide and varied with members favouring all types of reading material including fiction, history, religion, science fiction and more. Popular books mentioned in the fiction section include 'The Pillars of the Earth', 'A Star Called Henry', 'The Rose Labyrinth', 'The Forbidden Garden', amongst other titles.
Listed as 'outstanding Irish history / fantasy' was the 'Sevenwaters Trilogy' by Juliet Marillier while another Ireland Calls member loved the magical and fancy 4 book 'Twilight' set, which was later made into a movie.
James Patterson's novel 'Swimsuit' was described as 'very scary' by another reader. Dean Koontz's Frankenstein series were also described by one member as 'scary, but a must-read'!
'Ugly Americans' by Ben Menzich, was acknowledged as a brilliant read, this is a book about the Americans who went to Japan in the nineties and made crazy money by playing the stock exchange.
"The Pots of McPhail" by Michael Loftus was discussed in the science fiction category.
An Ireland Calls member was also seeking a copy of the 'Foxford Woollen Mills History' or any books about the history of the wool weaving industry of County Mayo.
Other books reviewed included 'Emigrants and Exiles' by Kerby Miller; 'Irish American Chronicle' by various authors and 'The Irish Face in America' by Julia McNamara & Jim Smith.
There was a separate 'Writer's Group' section for members of Ireland Calls who were interested in sharing articles, stories and other items they had written.